
For Experts

Pico Technology and pores

A nanometer means one billionth (10 - 9th) of a meter, i.e. 0.000 000 001 meters, or one millionth of a millimeter. In other words: One nanometer is equal to the ratio between an apple and the Earth. Nanotechnology works with particles in the order of nanometers, between about 1 and 100 nm. This range is called nanoscale. Our products are a thousand times smaller than nanotechnology and is called Picometer. our products move inside the pores for 21 days and reach a deeper point. Other products based on nanotechnology just spread for 3 days.

For Experts


Logic Chemie stands for sustainability. For this reason we use and develop products that are as biobased as possible. No harm to humans, animals and nature. Smaller than Nano: The world knows Nano-technology as something small with long resistance. We developed a technology that is a 1000 times smaller than Nano. It is called Pico-technology. Biobased technology is the future! The world is getting more conscious and cares more about earth. It is our responsibility to take care and make sure we donĀ“t harm. We as Logic Chemie keep developing our products and make sure that our products are as biobased and durable as possible.

  • Logic EX
  • Logic Water
  • Logic UH
  • Logic UH Flex
  • Logic UW
  • Logic UW Flex
  • Logic DP
  • Logic DS
  • Logic S
  • Concrete
  • Stone

Pores in concrete

Logic Ex fills the pores in the concrete and protects them from moisture and water. The pores in the concrete stay open. This means that air circulation can continue.

Pores in Stone

Logic Ex fills the pores in the stone and protects them from moisture and water. The pores in the concrete stay open. This means that air circulation can continue.

  • Concrete
  • Stone

Pores in Concrete

Logic Water fills the pores in the concrete and protects them from rising moisture and water coming from capillary water. The pores in the concrete stay open. This means that air circulation can continue and the current water/moisture gets pushed out.

Pores in Stone

Logic Water fills the pores in the stone and protects them from rising moisture and water coming from capillary water. The pores in the concrete stay open. This means that air circulation can continue and the current water/moisture gets pushed out.

  • Concrete
  • Stone

Pores in concrete

Logic UH fills the pores in the concrete and provides a strong (waterproof) bonding between the concrete and Logic UH mortar. Logic UH is suitable to reinforce, repair and insulate.

Pores in Stone

Logic UH fills the pores in the stone and provides a strong (waterproof) bonding between the stone and Logic UH mortar. Logic UH is suitable to reinforce, repair and insulate.

  • Concrete
  • Stone

Pores in concrete

Logic UH flex fills the pores in the concrete and provides a strong and elastic (waterproof) bonding between the concrete and Logic UH flex mortar. Logic UH flex is suitable to reinforce, repair and insulate, at the same time the product is flexible and carries the pressure caused by the movement of the surroundings.

Pores in stone

Logic UH flex fills the pores in the stone and provides a strong and elastic (waterproof) bonding between the stone and Logic UH flex mortar. Logic UH flex is suitable to reinforce, repair and insulate, at the same time the product is flexible and carries the pressure caused by the movement of the surroundings.

  • Concrete
  • Stone

Pores in Concrete

Logic UW fills the pores in the concrete and provides a strong (waterproof) bonding between the concrete and Logic UW injection. Logic UW is suitable to reinforce, repair and insulate.

Pores in Stone

Logic UW fills the pores in the stone and provides a strong (waterproof) bonding between the stone and Logic UW injection. Logic UW is suitable to reinforce, repair and insulate.

  • Concrete
  • Stone

Pores in concrete

Logic UW flex fills the pores in the concrete and provides a strong and elastic (waterproof) bonding between the concrete and Logic UW flex injection. Logic UW flex is suitable to reinforce, repair and insulate, at the same time the product is flexible and carries the pressure caused by the movement of the surroundings.

Pores in Stone

Logic UW flex fills the pores in the stone and provides a strong and elastic (waterproof) bonding between the stone and Logic UW flex injection. Logic UW flex is suitable to reinforce, repair and insulate, at the same time the product is flexible and carries the pressure caused by the movement of the surroundings.

  • Concrete
  • Stone

Pores in concrete

Logic DP fills the pores in the concrete and protects them from moisture and water. The pores in the concrete gets filled with Logic DP and the bonding makes the concrete stronger.

Pores in Stone

Logic DP fills the pores in the stone and protects them from moisture and water. The pores in the stone gets filled with Logic DP and the bonding makes the stone stronger.

  • Concrete
  • Stone

Pores in Concrete

Logic DS fills the pores in the concrete and protects them from moisture, water and chemicals. The pores in the concrete gets filled with Logic DS and the bonding makes the concrete stronger and resistant against chemicals.

Pores in Stone

Logic DS fills the pores in the stone and protects them from moisture, water and chemicals. The pores in the stone gets filled with Logic DS and the bonding makes the stone stronger and resistant against chemicals.

  • Concrete
  • Stone

pores in Concrete

Logic S fills the pores in the concrete and protects them from moisture, water and other liquids such as oils. The pores in the concrete stay open. This means that air circulation can continue.

pores in Stone

Logic S fills the pores in the stone and protects them from moisture, water and other liquids such as oils. The pores in the stone stay open. This means that air circulation can continue.

Logic EX

Logic Water

Logic Water is a moisture-resistant sealant used to solve capillary moisture. First of all, a hole will be drilled every 25 centimeters. Then Logic Water will be injected. The moisture is then pushed out of the pores of the wall, after which it evaporates. The drying process is a maximum of three months. The technical composition of Logic Water makes it possible to repel water, but allow air to circulate.

Logic UH

Logic UH Flex

Logic UW

Logic UW Flex

Logic DP

Logic DS

Logic S


Pores are available in different surfaces and vary in sizes. What exactly does this mean? Our products can leave pores open, this means air circulation can pass through them. Or It can close the pores and layer the product . This means the surface is not only resistant to water but also resistant to 1200 different liquids and chemicals and corrosion. The deeper you reach the pores the better the bonding with the surface will be. This results to a high quality protection.

20 years warranty & Certificate

We believe in our products and the quality we guarantee. All of the above results in a long lasting insulation.